Installation FinderPop requires Mac OS 8 or 8.1, the Contextual Menus Extension, and the Appearance Extension (both of which must load before FinderPop — they’ll do this by default unless you rename things or otherwise change the load order.) To install FinderPop, just drop it into your Control Panels folder, or drop it onto the closed system folder icon and let the Finder autoroute it. After you restart, FinderPop should be installed. In the FinderPop control panel, clicking the “Show FinderPop Items Folder…” button will bring the “FinderPop Items Folder” frontmost, and allow you to add or remove items from the folder (and subsequently the “FinderPop” submenu.) Control-clicking somewhere in the Finder should bring up the now FinderPop-enhanced contextual popup menu. Unlike certain CMM plugins out there, you can be as organised or as disorganised as you like inside the “FinderPop Items Folder”. Rather than re-invent the wheel, I’ve deliberately left out things like setting/getting file types/creators; if you need this functionality, it makes more sense to drop an alias to “SetItsType”, “File Buddy” or “FileTyper” into the “FinderPop Items Folder”, and let that application look after such things — and a lot more besides. For example: you want the ability to Stuff the Finder Selection? Add an alias to “DropStuff” to the “FinderPop Items Folder”, select your files in the Finder, Control-click on the last file in your selection, choose “DropStuff” from the resulting FinderPop submenu, and Bob’s your mother’s brother. This is all harder to describe than to do. Just put FinderPop into your Control Panels folder, reboot, place a few items in the “FinderPop Items Folder”, and give it a try... FinderPop Mailing List For want of somewhere better to put this: Matthieu Baudoux,, has kindly set up *FinderPop Announce*, a read-only mailing list to which you might like to subscribe in order to receive information about the availability of new versions of FinderPop. To subscribe, send a mail to with the following message in the body of your mail : subscribe finderpop To unsubscribe, send a mail to with the following message in the body of your mail : unsubscribe finderpop